We could write tens of thousands of words on how the job interview process has changed since the dawn of employment. Instead, here’s what the evolution looked like.
Video interview software maker Spark Hire’s created the following witty infographic to depict just how the job interview process has evolved as humans have evolved.
It also provides a look at what the next stage in the evolutionary process is likely to be.
Some points of note on mankind’s past:
- In the 18th and 19th centuries, professions were passed on from generation to generation, eliminating the need for the interview process altogether.
- In 1917, the first personality test was created to evaluate World War I solders. A similar test was soon adopted by businesses.
- In 1921, Thomas Edison created a test to evaluate job seekers’ knowledge, and it was leaked to the New York Times (test your knowledge using some of the questions listed on the infographic below).
- In 1969, the Internet is born, although it’s not released to the public in its current form until 1991.
- In 2003, LinkedIn is born.
- Two years later, YouTube is born.
Predictions for the future:
- Smart watches will allow face-to-fact interviews to be conducted on the go.
- Short-form interviews, lasting only a matter of seconds, will become popular.
- Holograms will take the place of in-person, face-to-face interviews.
For more on our past — and our future — check out Spark Hire’s graphic below:
Source: Spark Hire
For more HR News, please visit: The evolution of job interviews (INFOGRAPHIC)
Source: News from HR Morning